How To Appeal SASSA SRD Grant (2025)

This is how to appeal SASSA SRD Grant. Applicants for the Covid-19 SRD R350 Grant whose applications are rejected for some reason can appeal to the South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA).

The SASSA SRD R350 Grant appeal is to help South Africa Social Security Agency to look into your application rejection again, and if possible, reinstate your grant if you were rejected unfairly.

The process is simpler than it sounds and this article, will take you through the step-by-step approach to lodge a successful appeal to your Covid-19 SRD Grant.

How To Appeal SASSA SRD Grant

Follow this step-by-step guide to submit an appeal to SASA for your rejected SRD R350 Grant.

  1. Click on the link
  2. Enter your South African ID Number
  3. Enter the phone number used to submit your SRD application
  4. Click on Send Pin
  5. You’ll receive a Pin
  6. Enter the PIN
  7. Click submit to send your Covid-19 SRD R350 Gant appeal to the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistant Appeals (ITSAA).

The above step-by-step guide will enable you to lodge a successful appeal to the South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA).

Reasons to appeal your SASSA SRD Grant

You are eligible to appeal to your SASSA R350 Grant if the answers to the following questions are yes.

  • Have you applied to SASSA for the COVID-19 SRD on their electronic platform?
  • Did you get a notification that your application was rejected?
  • Do you disagree with that decision?

The South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) has laid out what appellants should consider first before appealing to their COVID-19 SRD Grants.

If your answers to all the above three (3) questions are “Yes”, then you can appeal to your SASSA SRD Grant.

Now, let’s look at the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about how to appeal SASSA SRD Grant.

Things to know when appealing a SASSA SRD Grant

Before you submit your SRD Grant appeal to the South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA), make sure you’ve understood this.

  • Ensure that the information you provided to SASSA As shown on the SRD DSD Appeal website is accurate and complete
  • If needed, update your contact details by clicking on the provided link. This is important because the Independent Tribunal will ask SASSA to process your Covid-19 SRD payments using your contact details if your appeal is approved.
  • You must confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms in the Declaration and Consent Documents
  • Click “Submit” and wait for the confirmation message showing that your appeal was successfully submitted.
  • Remember, you must appeal for each month in which SASSA rejected your application.
this is sassa r350 grant appeal

When should I appeal my SASSA SRD Grant?

You can submit an appeal to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) if your application is rejected.

Only applicants for the Covid-19 SRD Grant can appeal to SASSA if their applications are rejected and they disagree with the Agency’s decisions on their grant application.

Which website can I use to submit my SASSA SRD Grant appeal?

Appealants for the SASSA SRD Grant will have to lodge their appeals through the official SASSA SRG Grant appeal portal which is

Again, this is the official SASSA website for applicants to submit their appeals to SASSA. There is a third-party website for SASSA SRD Grant appeals.

When can I submit an appeal to my SASSA SRD Grant?

You have 30 days but not exceeding 90 days to appeal your COVID-19 SRD Grant.

Applicants whose application for the SASSA SRD R350 Grant can only appeal if they are sending the appeal within the period of 30 days but not more than 90 days after they were rejected for the grant.

How many appeals can I make to SASSA Grant?

You are to appeal each of the months that your SASSA SRD Grant was rejected.

Since the COVID-19 SRD Grant is reassessed and paid monthly to verify ongoing needs, an appeal must be submitted for each month in which SASSA rejects your application.

The Independent Tribunal’s decision will only apply to the specific month covered by the appeal.

Therefore, it is in your best interest to appeal immediately without delay upon receiving a rejection notification from SASSA.

What documents do I need to appeal SASSA SRD Grant?

The only information you’ll need when appealing to SASSA via their SASSA appeal website is your South African ID number and the phone number you used when applying for the SRD Grant.

Should you appeal to SASSA for SRD Grant?

Yes, you should appeal to SASSA for your rejected SRD Grant if you still think you qualify for the grant and the reason for SASSA’s sections to your application is unfair.

You should appeal to SASSA if you still need the SRD Grant.

However, if you truly belief you do not qualify for the Covid-19 SRD Grant, then you should not appeal.

This is because SASSA will still reject your appeal after verifying that you do not meet the requirements for the SRD Grant.

Read also:

1. How To Renew SASSA Card

2. How To Replace Lost SASSA Card

Now that you know how to appeal SASSA SRD Grant, you should be able to submit a successful SASSA SRD Grant appeal when your application is rejected.

You can ask your question about SASSA appeal in the comment section below.

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