SASSA Application For R350 Apply Online (2025)

This is SASSA application for R350 apply online. The South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) encourages individuals to apply for the R350 Grant.

Suppose you are in need of financial support as a South African, Asylum Seeker with a File Number, or a refugee. In that case, you can complete the SASSA application for R350 apply online process.

In this article, you’ll learn the requirements for the R350 Grant, the qualification for the SRD R350 Grant, and how to apply for R350 online.

Let’s now look at the topic in detail.

SASSA Application For R350 Apply Online

Follow the below step-by-step guidelines to complete the SASSA application for R350 Apply online

  1. Go to SASSA SRD Website
  2. Enter your Cell Phone Number
  3. Click “Send SMS)
  4. You’ll receive a 6-digit OTP number via SMS on your phone
  5. Enter the OTP number and click the “Verify Pin” button
  6. Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Declaration and Consent Document Rules
  7. South African Nationals can enter their ID Number while other Nationals can enter their Special Permit Number
  8. Provide your personal information like Name, Surname, Address, and Gender
  9. Enter your banking details (bank name, branch, account number, and account type) or choose the payment option “Send Cash”
  10. Submit your payment option and Agree to the Terms and Conditions
  11. SASSA will verify your application from the Department of Home Office database from your personal and banking details
  12. You’ll receive an SMS on your Cell Phone notifying you that your SRD Grant is active
  13. Asylum Seekers and Special Permit Holders will get a Payment ID to collect payment at Pick ‘n Pay

Requirements for SASSA application for R350 apply online

To qualify for the R350 Grant, you must meet the requirements for it and here’s

  • Be between the ages of 18 and 60 years old
  • Be a South African with an SA ID Card or ID Number
  • Be unemployed
  • Not be receiving any income
  • Not be receiving any social income
  • Not be receiving any Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)
  • Do not be eligible for the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF)
  • Be a citizen or have a residency permit (as a refugee)
  • Have an Asylum Permit File with a Number (if you’re an asylum seeker)
  • House Address
  • Cell phone number

Again, the South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) will only approve your SASSA application for R350 apply online if you are eligible and qualify for the grant.

Should you complete SASSA application for R350 apply online?

You should only apply for the R350 Grant if you meet the Grant’s requirements.

Apply for the SRD R350 Grant online is one of the application methods you can use to apply to SASSA for the Grant.

How do I do SASSA application for R350 apply online?

You will have to do the SASSA R350 Grant apply online on the official South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) SRD website.

SASSA has a dedicated portal for the SRD Grant where everything about the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) is carried out including the online application.

How to SASSA application for R350 apply online

Go to SASSA SRD Website
Enter your Cell Phone Number
Click “Send SMS)
You’ll receive a 6-digit OTP number via SMS on your phone
Enter the OTP number and click the “Verify Pin” button
Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Declaration and Consent Document Rules
South African Nationals can enter their ID Number while other Nationals can enter their Special Permit Number
Provide your personal information like Name, Surname, Address, and Gender
Enter your banking details (bank name, branch, account number, and account type) or choose the payment option “Send Cash”
Submit your payment option and Agree to the Terms and Conditions
SASSA will verify your application from the Department of Home Office database from your personal and banking details
You’ll receive an SMS on your Cell Phone notifying you that your SRD Grant is active
Asylum Seekers and Special Permit Holders will get a Payment ID to collect payment at Pick ‘n Pay

What to do after doing SASSA application R350 apply online?

You will have to wait for the South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) to send you the response to your R350 application.

Moreover, you can also start to check your R350 Grant status to know at which stage your application is with SASSA.

this is r350 grant application apply online

SASSA Contact Details

You can use the following contact details to make inquiries from the South Africa Social Security Agency (SASSA) about your SASSA application for SRD R350 apply online.

Phone: 080060 1011


Read also:

1 SASSA R350 Grant Online Application

2 How To Apply For SASSA SRD Grant For The First Time

3 SASSA SRD Grant Application Online

You now understand and know SASSA application for R350 Grant apply online. You can begin your application for the SRD Grant online.

Also, you can ask your question about the R350 application online in the comment section below.

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